Do you have little ones?
Are they worried or scared about the changes to their daily routines because of Covid-19?

Children are experiencing a lot of change right now. They can sense that we are all scared and worried and might not quite understand why. Most children aren’t able to go to school and their routine will have changed massively in the last few weeks. Santa has sent a letter to them to make sure they know what is happening, know what part they play in all of this, and (most importantly?) know that Santa is okay and making his nice list for Christmas right now! Hopefully this will give the children a little bit of hope and joy in the midst of everything they will be going through right now.
My eldest daughter is an early years teacher and received this letter from Santa to pass on to anyone who thinks it might help their little ones feel better. She recommends that we remember to talk about feelings and emotions with children. They will remember how they felt throughout all of this when they are older, not how much homeschooling they did, how many new words they learnt or how they memorised their times tables. Whilst those things are important, the best thing we can all do is to try to help everyone get through the next few months by protecting mental health and emotional well-being. That will put us all in a much better position when life starts to return to normal.
You can download Santa’s letter below . Thanks to Tiny Little Lessons
Download Letter from Santa
In these stressful times please stay safe, stay indoors and wash your hands!
Take care x